Zeta-Theta Alumni Association

Zeta Theta Alumni Association Mission Statement

  • To uphold and strengthen the Bond created during our active-brother experience
  • To encourage and facilitate involvement by alumni in as many ZTAA activities as possible
  • To bridge tradition and experiences between pledge classes
  • To function as a source of networking – both personal and professional
  • To serve the Zeta Theta Active Chapter in an advisory role

The executive officers consist of the President, Vice President, and Treasurer. These positions will be elected by the Executive Committee (dues-paying members in good standing with the association). Elections will occur in June on even numbered years.

The Executive Committee shall consist of the 3 elected officers and 8 Committee Members. It shall be presided over by the President. It shall be the only standing committee of the alumni association.

Bryce Cole - President
Mike Cook – Vice President
John Hunt - Treasurer
Jeff Harbers -  Secretary
Ray Swank - Homecoming Chair
Kevin McGlothlin - Golf Tournament Chair 
Tony Tuso - Merchandise Chair